
The 4th Financial Economics Meeting (FEM-2023), jointly organized by the EDC Paris Business School, Paris (France), ESSCA School of Management, Paris (France), CY Cergy Paris University, Cergy (France), and Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens (Greece). FEM-2023 will take place on 29-30 June, Paris (France).

In the last twenty years, a variety of turbulent episodes, including the internet bubble, the subprime crisis, sovereign debt, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Russian-Ukranian crisis, have shaped the financial and economic system. Financial markets exhibit elevated uncertainty and complexity, which have led to several transformations in both financial and economic systems.

Finanical Economic meeting is an event focusing on macroeconomic, International finance and fianncial markets issues. In line with the evolving financial and macroeconomic situation, methodologies in econometrics have developed new approaches to accommodate modeling complexity, nonlinearity, chaotic behavior, high-frequency data, big data, and networks.


We invite authors to submit proposals covering these topical issues related to the recent challenges on to macroeconomic frameworks and financial systems. Authors will be expected to participate in the conference and papers will be eligible for publication, subject to editorial review. We cordially invite academics, practitioners, and policymakers who address these issues to submit papers. 

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. Geert Bekaert, Professor of Finance (Columbia Business School, USA), Editor-in-chief Journal of Banking & Finance


Professor Bekaert teaches courses on Time Series Econometric and (Global) Asset Management.  With Robert Hodrick, he is the author of a textbook on International Financial Management.

Geert Bekaert has published over 70 articles in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Political Economythe Review of Financial Studies and other academic journals. He is managing editor for the Journal of Banking and Finance.

Geert’s research focus spans international finance, empirical asset pricing and investment and asset allocation problems. Geert has also been involved in several projects on emerging equity markets. His research has been supported by two NSF grants. 


  • Prof. Olivier Scaillet, Professor of Finance and Statistics at University of Geneva and a senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute (Switzerland)


Belgo-Swiss, is Professor of Finance and Statistics at University of Geneva and a senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute. He holds both a master and Ph.D. from University Paris IX Dauphine in applied mathematics. Professor Scaillet's research expertise is in the area of derivatives pricing, econometric theory and econometrics applied to finance and insurance. He has published several papers in leading journals in econometrics and finance such as  Joournal of Finance,  Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, The Econometrics Journal, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Econometric Theory, Econometrica, among others. He co-authored a book on financial econometrics. He has been one of the winners of the bi-annual award for the best paper published in the Journal of Empirical Finance on the topic of quantitative risk management and of the Banque Privée Espirito Santo award prize on the topic of mutual fund performance. Olivier is also Associate Editor of several academic journals in Econometrics, Statistics, and Finance. He has been an advisor of several banks and financial institutions.


Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 15, 2023

Notification for review results: April 18, 2023

Early Registration deadline: April 30 , 2023

Registration deadline:  May 03, 2023

Conference event: June 29- 30 Jue, 2023

Conference co-chairs

Prof. Zied Ftiti, EDC Paris Business School (France)

Prof. George Kouretas, Athens University of Economics & Business (Greece)

Prof. Wael Louhichi, ESSCA School Management (France)

Prof. Jean-Luc Prigent, CY Cergy Paris University (France)

Publication Opportunities

I)  International Journal of Finance & Economics (ABS 3*)

Guest Editors:  Prof. Zied Ftiti & Prof. Wael Louhichi


II)  Annals of Operations Research (ABS 3*)

1) VSI: Complexity of Financial and Economic Systems’ Dynamic

Handling FEM Guest Editor : Prof. Zied Ftiti  







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